The Emergign Blogger Award!!!!!

Hello friends! I can't believe it! I was nominated for an award by Just AG! I can't even tell you how much this means to me. Thank you so much for nominating me Just AG! And thank you to Natalie for creating such a fun award! If you don't already follow Just AG and Natalie, Then go follow them because they're awesome!! And if you don't then you'll leave me no choice..... Molly will have to unleash her Jedi mind trick powers on you ;) Ok with that said let's start answering questions!
Question #1
When did you get your first doll, and who was it?
Well, Connie was my first 18" doll, but I was only 3 when I got her so I don't remember much about it other than I got her as a Christmas present from my parents. But if you mean my first AG doll than it was Molly, I saved up and bought her when I was 9.
Question #2
Besides AG and blogging, What's your favorite thing to do?
I'm actually a ballet dancer! I've been dancing since I was about 6 and I can't picture going through life without doing it. I'm on pointe which are the hard shoes I'm wearing in my profile picture and on flat which are leather ballet slippers .
Question #3
Do you have a doll on your wish list this Christmas, or just accessories?
Yes I have been debating that and I ended up putting Addy on my wish list.
Question #4
Who is your least favorite Beforever doll?
Oh you guys are going to hate me for saying this but my least favorite is Nanea, Now don't come after me with pitchforks yet! At least let me explain. So there are several reasons why I don't like Nanea and I don't mean any offense by it, all these opinions are mine alone. Ok so I'm really just not a fan of the way they painted her face, I think the way they painted around the eyes is just a little weird. I also wish they picked a time that they didn't do already, I mean I know it takes place in Hawaii and Pearl harbor and I think that those should really be talked about, but a lot of things just sound like Molly's story. But once again these are just my opinions.
Questions #5
Who's your favorite Truly Me pet?
Hmmm, I think I'll have to say the new French Bulldog! He's so cute! :D
Ok there you have it! Thank you again Just AG for nominating me! I had so much fun answering your questions! Now, are you ready to see who I nominated?
Woo Hoo! Ok I nominated Rose because I just found her blog and it's so CUTE!!! She just started her blog this month and she's doing an awesome job so go follow her! Remember, Molly has Jedi powers and is not afraid to use them XD Ok Rose here are the rules,
#1 Thank the blogger who nominated you.
#2 Answer their questions.
#3 Nominate another new blogger and explain why you chose them
#4 Ask them your own questions
#5 Give them a shout-out.
Ok Rose, here are my questions!
#1 Do you have a favorite out of your dolls, and if so who is your favorite?
#2 What is the most special memory you have with your dolls?
#3 Historical or Beforever?
#4 What is at the top of your AG wish list?
#5 Which doll do you want next?
I hope you enjoy the award Rose! Keep up the good work!
Have an awesome day everyone!
- Katie :)


  1. YAY!!! Awesome answers Katie! I totally agree with you about Nanea! She is by far my least fav. It's just her wide eyes and painted eyelashes. Thanks for the shout-out!!!! :D

    p.s. I am really glad you liked getting your award!

    1. Thank you! I really enjoyed answering your questions :) Yeah me too, IKR? I think if they didn't paint her eyes that way she would of looked a lot better, I mean painted eyelashes? Why? She already has eyelashes why paint them on? Oh no problem :) Thanks for nominating me! I really enjoyed it.
      - Katie :)

  2. Great job Katie! Your answers were very entertaining to read!


    1. Thanks Jewel! I'm glad you enjoyed reading it :)
      - Katie :)


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