Have a Holly DOLLY Christmas! - Christmas Photo Shoot

It's Christmas Eve! AHHHHHH!!!! I hope you're having a wonderful day so far, I've been so excited to do this photo shoot so I hope you all like it! Ok, here are my dolls in front of the two Christmas trees in their house, enjoy!
So first we started with individuals.
This is one of the two trees in my doll house. This is the Coca Cola tree, it's dedicated to my grandfather who worked at Coca Cola for over 25 years.
And this is the tree that looks like mine! Uh, please don't look at the human sized star on top of the tree XD
The nativity! I almost died when I found this in the Christmas decorations, I wanted a nativity for my dolls so bad! But had no idea how to make one. So this made me so happy <3
Time for group shots!!!
My beautiful AG dolls
I love them all so much! I'm so thankful and blessed to have them :)
The twins! Fun Fact: Malorie was my first and only doll so far that I bought at a yard sale, the girl that was selling her was like nine... It makes me sad when kids that young don't play with dolls anymore.
My girly girls,
Then I told the dolls they could do what ever they wanted now.
Uh.... Ok? Thank you Molly.
The BFFs, I have no idea what they're doing.
Uh, no comment....
NO NO NO!! What are you doing?!? When I said you could do whatever you want I didn't mean you could roller skate in the house! I've told you so many times you can't do that, worrying about Molly breaking stuff is hard enough without having to worry about you guys too!
Ok, that was not a good idea... Let's just get a family picture.
Awww perfect! Merry Christmas you guys,
Merry Christmas to you too Coconut :)
Merry Christmas everyone, thank you for the support and comments, I'm so thankful and blessed to have you all as friends :) I hope you have the most incredible Christmas yet, and never forget the true reason for the season
Now there were in the same country shepherds living out in the fields, keeping watch over their flock by night. And behold, an angel of the Lord stood before them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were greatly afraid. 10 Then the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy which will be to all people. 11 For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. 12 And this will be the sign to you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger.”
13 And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying:
14 “Glory to God in the highest,
And on earth peace, goodwill toward men!”
Have a wonderful and blessed Christmas :)
- Katie :)


  1. Awww! I loved this post and how you ended it! It's a good thing Molly's skirt stayed up...;)
    Are you going to do a post on what you got for your dolls this Christmas?

    1. Thank you so much! LOL yeah, I had a lot of trouble with that XD I did one picture of her standing on one hand then using the other hand to hold her skirt up. Sure, if you'd like :) Are you doing one? I'd love to see!
      - Katie :)

    2. XD
      You don't have to if you weren't planning to, I was just wondering. :) I am showing some, but I am saving a one outfit for a spring photo shoot....:)

    3. Ok, I'll try to if I can.. I have posts lined up for this week so I'll try :) cool! Can't wait to see!
      - Katie :)

  2. AWWW! This was so wonderful Katie! Capital job! You always make me smile. 😉

    Wow, Molly. Great balance.

    OH brother! Skating in the house! My Kit has done that too... XD

    BTW, I love the featured image! Did one of your family members take that for you? I love how the dolls are going about there business while you (I'm assuming) sit there in the craziness. LOL!


    1. Thank you so much Jewel! Aww, I'm glad :)

      Molly: IKR?! I totally nailed that (much to Katie's displeasure) XD Thanks Jewel!

      I know right?! They're crazy! Oh Kit... You are so silly XD Thank you! I was super happy that it came out. No, my family was busy XD I used the timer on my camera and tried the picture several times because I couldn't see how it was lining up. LOL yeah, they basically just ignored me XD thanks again!
      - Katie :)

    2. LOL!

      WOW! You used the timer?! That's an accomplishment! 👍


    3. Molly: Hehe :D

      Thank you! Like I said I had to do it several times because I ether wouldn't get my dolls on my lap or my catalogue up in time or it just didn't line up right. :)
      - Katie :)

    4. That was absolutely adorable!! Thank you for sharing your dolls' world with us!!

    5. Thanks Janet! Awe! you're welcome! I'm so glad you guys enjoy seeing what my dolls are up to :D
      - Katie :)


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