The I Love You Tag!

Hey guys! Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you had an awesome one :) Jewel tagged me for the I Love You Tag! Thank you so much Jewel! Ok here are the rules...
Use the tag image!
Link the creator and the original post!
Send the card/tag to 5 or more other blogging buddies! You can send it to me and anyone else that I tag because there are no questions! So no one has to redo a whole bunch of questions! You can just send the card to me or the same people I did and explain why YOU love them!
Definition of a Blogging Buddy: A blogger friend with whom you have become close or very close!
Use the special twist.....
When you tag people... Say one reason why you love each of them and their blog!
Ok! So like Jewel said this tag isn't just for Valentine's Day, so don't feel rushed to get this tag posted. Here are my blogging buddies that I've become very close to! (Just letting you know I'm not putting this in a certain order)
Jewel! I love Jewel because she is so awesome and sweet! She's the only person I know who loves the Lego movies as much as I do and always notices when I throw a Lego Movie quote into my posts :) My favorite post of hers was Happy April Fools XD
The Human! I love The Human because she's so genuinely kind and supportive of my blog, she always leaves me comments that are just so nice! She's also an amazing writer! I always look forward to her awesome stories :) My favorite is Careful What You Wish For
Just AG! I love Just AG because she's always so sweet and fun! Plus, our Mini Kits are besties! Her photography is AMAZING! My favorite was Raining Red
Samantha! I love Sam because she's so funny and awesome! She's such an amazing blogger and leaves comments on my blog that just brighten my day :D Her posts are so funny! My favorite is Molly Parker's Day Off!
Rose! I love Rose because she's so sweet and kind, her blog is so amazing y'all! My most favorite post of hers is An AG Doll in Danger
Thanks so much for reading everyone! You're all my best blogging buddies :)
Have an awesome day everyone!
- Katie :)



  1. Awwwww, thank you so much! You are very sweet too , ya know. :)
    I'll see when I get get the tag up...

    1. You're welcome :) Awww thanks! OK, can't wait to read it!
      -Katie :)

  2. AWW! Thank you SO SO MUCH, KATIE! I can't tell you how happy it makes me that you like the Lego Movies as much as I do! It awesome having someone like you to talk too. (:


    1. You're welcome! :) Aww! It really makes me happy that you like the Lego Movies too! I always love our talks about the movies and how awesome the quotes are! Thanks for being an awesome friend :)
      -Katie :)


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