Trip to The AG Store!

'Ello mates! (< Sorry, I've been talking in an Australian accent for no reason the last few days XD) So I was out of town for a while when my grandfather had to go to the hospital (And sadly is still there..). But, it just so happens that there's an American Girl Store not too far from his house! So we decided to stop by a couple weeks ago and it was a awesome! They had the new releases out, but we went on the 30th, so I just missed Blaire's release... That's ok though :) I hope you enjoy these pictures! Sorry some of them are a bit cringy, I was worried about using the flash in the store.
Look who was on display right when you walk in! Molly insisted a picture must be taken.
Here's Nanea! This was the first time seeing her in person for us. I have to say though, I'm not really a fan of the way they painted around her eyes.... I feel it's a rather odd choice to paint eyelashes on when she's already got eyelashes....
"Batman? Batman?! This is Commissioner Gordon, we have an emergency! Someone stole my pizza! I suspect The Joker, maybe The Riddler? Whoever it is, I NEED MY PIZZA!!!"
Melody: "Are you kidding me right now, right in the middle of my recording session?"
LOL we walked by this case and I was just like, "Mom, look at her.... She's so perfect in there." XD
Ok guys, there are a couple new members of the ADU fam that I'd like to introduce to you........
Meet Grace and Esther! I received these lovely ladies for Christmas and I'm so excited! Grace is of course GOTY 2014, but Esther is a Gotz. They're the company that originally made American Girl dolls. She's signed and numbered by the creator of this particular line of Gotz, if you guys would like an up close review of her let me know.
Molly: *GAAASSSPPP* Look!!! Nachos!
Esther: Churros!
Grace: A puppy!!!
Puppy: Woof!
Random food stand guy: "Do any of you guys actually have money?"
*Dramatic groans and sighs*
(Sneaky Grace in the background)
Molly: "Boom!!! I did it! I'm the best! I'm the most epic, most awesome...."
*Molly, still rambling on about her coolness*
Esther: "Wow, this is getting old...."
And of course I had to take a couple pictures of the display dolls.
Let's take a minute to appreciate display dolls, they put up with a lot. Random shoppers touching their hair, puting them in weird positions, and annoying dolls like Molly harassing them about which came first, the chicken or the egg (I swear it's a miracle Molly hasn't been kicked out yet). There is so much to admire about them, so much patience. So solute to you dolls!
One last group shot to wrap up an amazing day at The American Girl store :) Shout out to Mary and Angel! Two AG workers who really made the trip special. Angel has an Instagram where she does doll hairstyles and is so talented at it, so if your on Instagram, then totally follow her HERE.
So, how was your Christmas? How do you feel about Blaire? Have you been to an AG store lately? Let me know in the comments! Have an amazing day!
-Katie :)


  1. Wow, wow, and wow! 1: I am so jealous you got to see Luciana in person. 2: I am so excited that you got Grace! I had her for like two months, and she is gorgeous! 3: I can't believe Molly didn't get kicked out. XD It looks like you guys had fun, even if the reason you were in town wasn't so great. I'm still praying for you guys. <3
    ~ The Human

    1. She is soooo pretty in person! If you end up buying her I don't think you'll be disappointed :) Thank you! I'm so excited to have her, she truly is a stunning doll. LOL it's a miracle! I swear some of those dolls were about to call management, they were just done XD Yes, we did our best to do some things that are fun and stay positive :) thank you so much for praying! It really means a lot in this time :)
      -Katie :)


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