For the Love of Dolls - Photo Shoot + Something to Tell You...

Hello my friends! I missed you! I hope all is going well for you :) as you may have guessed from the title, there's something I need to tell you guys. But first! I took a photo shoot of the lovely Samantha and Mini Samantha! I really enjoyed doing this one, because it reminds me of the way I look at my dolls, so I hope you enjoy!
"Hi Mini Sam!"

The power of imagination!
<3 <3 <3
One thing I will never regret, is deciding to hold on to my childhood as long as I can :) Ok, so I disappeared again. Why? Well, it's been a REALLY rough last few weeks. (those closest to me probably know what's going on.) I haven't really been home much since the beginning of January. I really wanted to make it work, but I couldn't. So I'm taking a hiatus. It will probably last about two weeks, but I'm not sure exactly when I'll be back. My family needs me right now, and I need to do everything I can to help. I promise this isn't one of those things where posts start slowing down and the blogger quits. I really miss you guys, I want to post, I just can't right now. I love you guys more than you can imagine, and I can't wait to talk to you guys soon :) God bless! Have an awesome day!
- Katie :)


  1. Beautiful photos, Katie! No worries! Take as long as you need with the hiatus! Lots of love <3


    1. Thank you so much, Jewel! I really appreciate the love and support :) <3
      -Katie :)

  2. I hope you have a relaxing hiatus! I was a little worried from how you were talking! We'll miss you, but of course we understand.

    1. Thank you so much Diamond! I really appreciate it :) Oh no! So sorry, I didn't mean to worry you! Thank you, that really means a lot to me <3
      -Katie :)

  3. I hope things start getting better, and I'm still praying for you guys! I can't wait till you get beck!
    ~ The Human

    1. Thank you, The Human! I really appreciate the prayers so much <3 and hope to be back soon :)
      -Katie :)

  4. So. stinking. adorable. :)

    Definitely praying for you!

    1. Thank you so much! I thought it was about time Sam should have her time in the spotlight ;)

      Thank you!!! <3
      -Katie :)

    2. I know! You have so many dolls, I bet they go crazy once they see you take out your camera! ;)


    3. LOL they do! Especially Jasmine, who believes EVERY photo shoot should be of her XD If the weather holds up I'm hoping to do a photo shoot with Felicity soon :)
      -Katie :)

  5. This was a cool photoshoot. Samantha is an adorable doll. One of AG's best historic ones.

    1. Thank you so much! I had a lot of fun with this one :D She really is, mine was bought used, so her hair is slightly damaged. But I love her all the same :)
      -Katie :)

  6. My Samantha was bought used, too. She has a problem where her eye sticks when it's shut but it does still open.

    1. Cool! Oh yeah, Molly has the same problem :( Doll eyes are SO sensitive though that I haven't tried to fix it. It really doesn't bother me (much XD), so I've just decided to let it be.
      -Katie :)


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