I'm Still Standing - Catching Up

Hello there! How are you all doing? I hope all is well with you! Man, these last 5 months have been such a whirlwind... So much has happened, I've been through just one thing after another after another. But I'm still standing! In the wise words of Pastor Paul Shepard, "God's going to get some glory out of this, I'm not out yet!"

It's funny, I don't really talk to people about the mountains I've faced, like literally 2 people at the most outside my family truly know what has been happening, and my family knows because they've been facing most of those same mountains with me. I try my hardest to be as kind and encouraging to others because I know what a kind word can do, I know what a difference it makes when someone is kind when everything seems to be falling apart. The truth is, I lost someone in my family recently. I had to basically move with my mom and brother while my dad stayed at our home 4 hours away. And people I thought were going to be there for me weren't.

Then I took one more blow last week that made me crumble. Someone I trust and look up to did something very hurtful, and as she was doing it I was in so much shock and so hurt that I broke into tears. She didn't even hesitate, she just kept beating it in. I stood in front of her falling to pieces as she kept going and lashing hurtful words at my class. "I love you guys, you all know that!" She said harshly with no kindness in her voice (Never knew that sentence could sound so.... Unloving LOL! XD), And I was just thinking, "Then stop... If you love us why would you do this? How could you when you see flat out in front of you the pain you've caused? Please...... Please....... Stop." I cried at least once everyday last week, my faith in people had been badly shaken. I hadn't slept all that week, I was a disaster. It always seems to be the people I least expect, and that hurt me the most.

The devil was probably like, "LOL this is hilarious! Look at her! All I had to do was get the right person to say the right thing at the right time and she crumbled! Oh look! She's crying again! This is too great, she's never going to get herself back together after this!"

But one sleepless night, I was just like, "I need to pray, like, NOW!" Do you know something? God is so epic! Literally, I fail Him everyday, I don't read the Bible as much as I should, I don't pray as much as I should. I try to pull away from sinful things but sometimes I slip up and fall back into the things that distract me from Him, but He is the One who has NEVER forsaken me. No matter how badly I've messed up He's never been like, "Nope, this is it. You're not worth it." He's always accepted me back. I gave Him all that was weighing on me, I cried and put it all in His hands. I feel worlds better! While what happened does still make me sad, it isn't controlling me anymore. I can be happy again and thankful to God for helping me.

God doesn't want us to be controlled by everything wrong in our lives, (The devil would love that), but be thankful for what we have. God is bigger than any mountain you'll ever face! You don't have to face the trials alone, God's got you! The devil wants to cause so many distractions and battles to try to throw you off course, but the battle's already won through Jesus! My family and I were listening to Pastor Paul Shepard, and I swear his sermon sounded like it was God speaking right to me! It's amazing how He plans things out like that! Pastor shepard talked about when people you trust and really should have been there for you weren't, he compared it to WWE, the devil serves you a blow, he's laughing as your being counted out, but all you have to do is throw one shoulder up! That's exactly what I've decided to do, my shoulder is up! I'm not out of this fight yet! I'm still fighting Satan! I'm still going on your strength, Lord! And if you're facing anything where the devil is trying to knock out your spirit, your hope, you. I encourage you to do the same!
Sometimes people will pull out of your life, it's sad, but true. But so many times I realized later on that it was for the best, I see why they had to leave. I love the person who hurt me, but I can't look up to someone who thinks it's ok to treat people like that. As Christians, we're told we will face battles, people will hurt us and betray us, but I trust God and wouldn't trade His plan for me for anything.

I missed a lot of your guys' emails and posts while all this was going on, I'm so sorry! I just really needed some time to get myself together. I still have a crochet order to fill and my recital is Friday and Saturday (AHHHH!!! *-*), so I'm going to do my best to read and respond to your posts/emails, but if I don't get to yours until Sunday it's because of craziness, not because I didn't want to read your posts. But that's enough with the sad and bad, it's time for the good!

1. I literally have SUCH a long list of posts I want to do! And I'm even working on a list of Christmas posts for Christmas Bonanza 3!

2. I have two new additions to the ADU fam! *Winks at Megan*

3. MixiePixie 7 is awesome!

4. I got my first table top tutu!!!!!! :D

5. I'm going to contact Blogger about the email subscription problem, so if you're not receiving emails to my posts but are subscribed, let me know in the comments so I can let Blogger know you're one of the people having this problem.

6. Molly is going to be getting her own post series! And it will be VERY silly ;) 

7.  I'm a member of American Girl Bloggers' Club! Check it out HERE!

8. I think I'm going to recreate some outfits from shows or movies, do you guys have any outfit challenges for me?

9. You are all beautiful human beings and Jesus loves you!

10. My mom got Felicity! She is so pretty :D

11. "You can't let the song get into your head! If you want your noodle to stay aldenta!" (< that is sooo not spelled right XD)

12. I sold out of crochet toys at the craft show! (26!)

13. I might be taking a collage class for photography!

14. I got a new doll house! Would you guys like a tour?

15. We got a new doll blogger in the community! Go check out Crazy Country Dolls!

Sorry that this post is so different from what I usually do, I just felt you all needed a better answer than, "I've been busy..." Thank you all for sticking with me through everything! You are the best! I hope that my story inspired you if you're going through anything that it will be alright! Always trust God! He is good all the time! :) Let's catch up in the comments! What awesome things have you all been doing? Any guesses to who the new dolls are? Have an awesome day everyone!

- Katie :) 


  1. I'm glad you're keeping strong with your faith! It can definitely be hard at times, but it's worth it. If you ever need someone to talk to, let me know. I'm excited to see more of your posts!

    1. Thank you Dianond! I'm trying my best! :) Yes definitely! Aww thank you SO much! Yay! I'm so happy you're excited about them! Thank you again!
      -Katie :)

  2. Hang in there, girl! I find it very inspiring & encouraging that you've stayed strong through everything and I hope things will be brighter now <3

    1. Thanks so much Rebekah! I really appreciate it! :)
      -Katie :)

  3. Awww, I'm so sad for you, but I do think God can turn even the worst things into good things. Can't wait to see Molly's post series! Thanks for the shoutout.

    1. Thank you McKayla, you are so sweet ❤ I agree! While I still struggle with these things I've watched the AMAZING things God can do! And I truly believe there's light at the end of the tunnel :) Yay! I hope you enjoy it, I know Molly is stoked ;) Getting the crochet order done has taken much longer than I thought it would, but I'm going to post ASAP and can't wait to finally read your posts! Oh no problem! :)
      -Katie :)

  4. Aww, Katie...thank you for being transparent and typing up this post. Honestly I can't imagine that it was easy to put yourself out there..but I'm glad you did. It's awesome when you can turn a personal struggle into a way of glorifying God. <33

    Praying for you :)

    1. Thank you, Just AG :) It was very hard and a little awkward to share all this at first, I usually don't talk to people about this kind of stuff. And this isn't even all of the story (the rest was just a little too personal and hard to explain). But I hope by opening up about what's been going on that it will give others strength to keep going and to cling to God :) Yes it definitely is!

      Thank you! I can't tell you how much I appreciate it :) I'll continue to pray for you as well!
      -Katie :)

    2. <3 I'm sure, I'm the same way. I know, He is truly the ONLY one who can satisfy and comfort us when we're hurting. I'm clinging to the promise that no matter what happens, He is in COMPLETE control and is working everything out for my good. Because that's all we need at the end of the day- to know that there's a God who really does love us. :)

      (from a song I like: "When you're on your knees and answers seem so far away, I'm on the throne, stop holding on, and just be held. Your world's not falling apart, it's falling into place...)


    3. Amen! That is a promise I've had to cling to as well. It's so awesome to know even when we struggle, when it feels like no one else cares enough to take time to make sure you're ok, God will always watch over you! You're pain will become your testimony! I wear a ring that says "If God brings you to it, He'll bring you though it." I wear it everyday and do my best to remember that truth. God's not just gonna bring you to a mountain and be like, "Ok you figure it out from here." He's going to help you conquer that mountain! The Devil's going to say, "Uh oh! This isn't good, God's taking her places! Better throw some rocks to knock her down!" But God's not going to leave your side! Even if one of those rocks hits you, God's ready to catch you and help you continue the climb :)

      Oh wow! That is SO powerful! What song is that from?
      -Katie :)

    4. Yes!! It's been my rock. Like Psalm 61! "Hear my cry, oh God, listen to my prayer. From the ends of the earth I call to you, when my heart is faint. Lead me to the ROCK that is HIGHER than I, for YOU have been my refuge, a strong tower against the enemy."

      It's from "Just Be Held" by Casting Crowns. I really like the lyrics, and I found sheet music for it so that's even better. :)

    5. YES!!! I love that verse! It's so amazing!

      Cool! It sounds so awesome! :D that's epic that you found the sheet music for it as well!
      -Katie :)

  5. I'm praying, Katie! I am particularly praying that you would have strength in the Lord and I am so glad you are. Life is really tough sometimes and what you have been going through sounds awful, but I am super proud of you and thankful to the Lord for working in your life. :)


    1. Thank you so much Jewel! I'm praying for you as well, I hope things are starting to get better! Yeah it definitely can be, and what's been going on is something I'm reminded of everyday. And because some of what's going on is family stuff, I have to face it everyday as well. But I know God's got this and all will go according to His plan :) Thank you!
      -Katie :)


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