Doll Together This Christmas - Christmas Photo Shoot

Hello everyone!!! Merry Christmas!! Late..... Christmas? Sorry I really tried to get this out sooner but we had an emergency so it's been an interesting week and a half XD I know this isn't much, and I wish I could do more, but I hope you still enjoy! Let's get into it!


First up we have our lovely Janet and Jasmine! Fun fact that I don't know if I told y'all, but Jasmine actually broke. Yes you heard that right, just straight up BROKE! In 2019 I was picking dolls to bring to my and Jewel's (From Doll Notebook, her blog got taken down thanks to Wordpress -_- I don't remember/understand what exactly went down there, but if you had the pleasure of reading her blog and getting to know her during her time on Doll Notebook I can confirm she's just as epic in real life!) first meetup and I picked up Jasmine and her leg just fell off. I was already having a bad day so I was devastated! So! With all my doll fixing knowledge and sheer refusal to let one of my favorite dolls die, I took her apart and restrung her leg back on like an American Girl doll. Is that how she's supposed to be strung? No, absolutely not. Is it working? Yes!... kinda? Okay so her leg is longer than the other one now, at least she's still here though, right? 'XD

I also don't know if I told you guys this either but I now have 4 Maplelea dolls! So Brianne and Charlsea are our new additions this year, here with Saila (who still places favorite in my heart don't tell the other 3) and Leonie!

I got a really old Brianne for like $30.00, so she came in her old outfit and with the "creepy" eyes, but I honestly think she's beyond stunning!! I adore her! She also smelled like my great grandma's house when I opened the box.... I uh, don't really know how to feel or what to make of that XD

And our favorite besties, Molly and Emily! I um....





"Hey Katie!! Whatcha doing?"

"Hey Molly, just posting the Christmas pictures."

"That's cool, why do you look sad though?"

"I.... don't know...."

"I always hope we can do more this time of year but we always end up just doing an easy post like this or missing it entirely."

"I just wish there was more we could do for our friends..."


"Maybe if we pull together, we can do something really epic!"

"I know we can do it if we work together!"

"Okay, I guess we can give it a shot! What are you thinking?"

"Hmmmm, I'm kinda thinking something like..."


Christmas will be coming

So no need to be crying

Cause this year you won't be alone


"What the-?"

"Merry Christmas!"
"Oh my gosh!"


Snow is falling, bells are singing through the winter air

And when you're freezing cold I'll be the warmth that you can share


You can call me on the phone, I'll be a text away


Cause you are never meant to be alone on Christmas day!


"Come on!"


Tired of staying inside

I wanna go outside and see all of my friends


Haven't been this depressed 


Since 2020 I guess, when will this all end?


Remember when we could hug

Without us getting the bug inside our lungs?



"Foot five!!"


But all we have are memes on Tik Tok


and this bottle of....


Chocolate milk!


"..... Why are we doing this?"


Snow is falling, bells are singing through the winter air


And when you're freezing cold I'll be the warmth that you can share


You can call me on the phone I'll be a text away


Cause you were never meant to be alone on Christmas day!


"Oh boy...."


You see it all on the news

A world that people abuse


So I'll stay in my room


Play Among Us and chill


Forget I have to pay bills 


So I'll meet my doom...


"I'M TIRED!!!"


Can't wait for this to all end

So I can meet all my friends in reality

(Sarah and Samantha)

And spend on gifts I can give everyone on Christmas Eve


Snow is falling, bells are singing through the winter air


And when you're freezing cold I'll be the warmth that you can share


You can call me on the phone I'll be a text away


Cause you were never meant to be alone on Christmas day!


"Alright, you know what?!" 


"THAT'S IT!!!"

Forget the lockdown

On my final breakdown

Let's get together

Virtually or whatever!

Forget the lockdown

On my final breakdown

Let's get together

Virtually or whatever!


Snow is falling, bells are singing through the winter air

And when you're freezing cold I'll be the warmth that you can share


Call me on the phone!

You can call me on the phone I'll be a text away

Cause you were never meant to be alone on Christmas day


Even if you're far away we can still somehow connect

We can still talk through the screen and through the internet!

I'll find a way to be with you no matter what you say

(Molly and Carter)

No matter what you say!

(I didn't realize this was as dark as it was until I uploaded it T-T)

Cause you were never meant to be alone on Christmas day!

"Merry Christmas from All Doll'd Up!!!"

"How was that?"

"You know... you were right, that was pretty epic!"

"Merry Christmas, Katie."

"Merry Christmas, Molly."


Not Alone This Christmas

- Or3o

So um.... that didn't go according to plan lol!! Merry Christmas, you guys!! I love you all so very much and hope you had the most wonderful day!!! This has been my favorite Christmas song this year, with my favorite part being,

"Even if you're far away we can still somehow connect

We can still talk through the screen and through the internet

I'll find a way to be with you no matter what you say

Cause you were never meant to be alone on Christmas day"

I really like this part for a couple reasons, one being that it reminds me of why I do my charity group and the idea of making sure others don't feel alone is what keeps me going when it gets tough (and trust me, it gets tough XD). The other reason being I just really like the message of finding a way to be with those you love, even if it's something as simple as connecting "Through the screen and through the internet", kinda like how I've been able to connect with you guys all these years :) there is always a way if you look hard enough! Also, sorry if this post is a bit.... rough, in any way. Like I said we are in the middle of an emergency, and I kinda did this even though my to do list is about 90 miles long (144.841 Kilometers for those of you not in the US) so.... yeah XD I'm probably going to totally flop and cry a lot when it comes to my list but I really REALLY wanted to do something Christmasy for y'all this year! I'm so thankful to have gotten to know and connect with you all during the holidays and through regular posts, and to all of you who've stuck around when many have grown up and passed me by. It really means the world and I'm so lucky to have friends like you :) I really hope you enjoyed this and had a really beautiful Christmas! I love you all and I'll see you next month! Have an amazing day <3

- Katie :)

(P.S. I am in no way trying to make some sort of Covid related statement by choosing this song I just really like this song DON'T KILL ME PLEASE!!! And if you do kill me, at least use candy canes to do it we like to keep things festive here XD)  

(P.S. Number 2, I got Molly glasses guys! I'm so happy I love matching my favorite girl so much! Everyone keeps telling me I look like Harry Potter though and I can't  -_-)


  1. This was such an amazing post Katie, your so talented and I love all your incredible posts that you make. I hope you had a Merry Christmas and I hope you have a Happy New Year as well :)

    1. Oh my gosh thanks so SO very much, Hailey!!! That really means so much, I don't have a lot of time for blogging nowadays but I really try my very best when I do post! Thank you so much!! I hope you had a Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year too! <3
      -Katie :)

  2. *sharpens candy canes*
    The weapons are ready...aim to kill.

    For real though:
    *this post is amazing and I love it so much

    1. I would be sad and try to stop you, but you have obeyed my wishes so fire away in the most merry of ways *plays Carol of the Bells as the candy canes gracefully soar through the air* XD

      Thank you so very much!! I worked crazy hard on it and really tried my best to make it the best it could be! AND YES I HAVE AND I HONESTLY CAN'T BELIEVE THAT EITHER LOL XD But I have indeed met her! I'm really good friends with both her and her sister and they are honestly just such epic people, so blessed to call them my friends :D
      -Katie :)

  3. Hello Katie! Thanks for this post! I hope everything is going well with you and the emergency wasn't too serious! :)
    Looking forward to seeing what you'll do in the future! Also, I added you to my blog list on my blog!
    Would you check it out and maybe follow? Here is the link:

    Thanks so much! Happy New Year!

    1. Hi BeyondNaturesMeadow! Of course! Thanks so much for reading it! It means a lot and I'm so glad you enjoyed! And thank you! It was pretty rough but we're making it through :)

      Oh awesome!! Thanks so very much, that means a lot!! :D And yes I'd absolutely love to! Just a heads up though I'm really bad at keeping on reading other blogs, so if I don't comment a whole lot it's not because I don't enjoy your work or anything like that, I'm just stretched really thin most the time and unfortunately don't get to all posts 'XD
      -Katie :)

  4. This is an awesome post, Katie! (Okay, all of your posts are awesome, but that's not that point! Or maybe it is . . . :) ) That song sounds really relatable and I absolutely love your pictures! Also, somehow I did not realize you had that many dolls XD And you got them all dressed up in fantastic Christmas clothes! (I think I need to make my dolls some Christmas clothes now . . . ) Molly's outfit is really cute!
    I hope your emergency ends soon and that you're all okay.

    1. Awww thank you so very much, ForestPoodle 88!! That is such a kind complement, it really means a lot <3 Thank you so much! It's one of my most favorite songs this past Christmas season, I find it really relatable as well and also takes what a lot of us have been feeling and making it feel positive and uplifting in a way, which I think is really neat :) Oh goodness yeah, I have waaaay too many lol! (if that's possible ;) ) 'XD it makes posts like this a bit rough since some are better at standing than others. Thank you! Yeah dressing them all took several days it's a very big job XD Most the outfits were homemade though! You should definitely take a shot at making some for your dolls! I'd love to see them if you do! :D And Molly's was made by my mom the first Christmas I had Molly, so it's definitely my favorite too :)
      Thank you so very much!! I really appreciate it!!
      -Katie :)

  5. This is so perfect! Amazing job, Katie, and Molly of course! I noticed some new faces in the pics, and I can't wait to meet them. Also, your Charlsea and Brianne are gorgeous! Are you going to keep their names, or change them?
    As always, wonderful post, and don't feel bad about not having as much time to put into posting. We all understand, while looking forward to the next one. <3
    ~ MJ

    1. Thank you so very much, MJ!! And Molly says thank you, too! ;D Oh yes! I'm hoping to introduce them very soon! One of them very VERY soon lol!! XD Thank you so much!! I'm so over the moon to have found them, I will probably be keeping their names just because I think they ended up fitting their personalities really well. Though I had considered changing Brianne's when I first got her since I have a doll (She's not one of the family members so she hasn't appeared yet) named Breanna after my ballet teacher, but ended up deciding against it.
      Thank you so very much!! it really means a lot and I really appreciate it :) <3
      - Katie :)


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