Well... That Happened XD - What Happened and Mini Photo Shoot


Ayyyyyy it's my favorite blog friends! I.... yeah I flat out disappeared XD I'm so sorry, y'all, but wait! Don't throw the tomatoes! Hold back the garlic bread! I promise I will explain, and then at the end we can share the garlic bread as a sign of our friendship and forgiveness (Please I beg of you I really want garlic bread and don't want it thrown at me this is my favorite shirt don't ruin it please XD). But first! I'll share a few pictures I took on my mom's birthday trip back in April because yolo lol XD


So! You may or may not have noticed the new face, allow me to introduce you to the beautiful Elizabeth Cole! She was a Christmas gift last year and oh my gosh you have no clue how obsessed I am with her lol!


This dollie is honestly just the cutest! She's got a really bad cut job on her hair (As you can see here, the hair in front is much shorter than the rest of the cut, and it's also just not very even in general), but I love her all the more for it! I really like it with this lovely pink hat from a Strawberry Shortcake doll I had when I was a little 5 year old human being lol!

We've also got the lovely addition of Bennett to the ADU fam! You'll learn more about him soon though.

Molly very much enjoys hanging with her new sis and puppy. Elisabeth is an expert in antiques and rare finds, so she's really fun to go thrift shopping with and she hasn't called the police on Molly yet, which is an instant win in Molly's book :D 

Fun fact, I actually grew up really close to this place, it was really neat to go back and see it again now that I'm older. I don't really miss living there other than living close to other people lol! But it was still very nostalgic :)

Those mountains we could actually see from our back yard at our old house, they were super close to there! We hiked to the top the day after this and I thought I was gonna die XD 10000% worth it though, 10/10, would nearly die to do again! XD

We even went on the train that runs through this little old town! The whistle was so incredibly high pitched and loud, Molly and I nearly jumped out of our skin each time they pulled it. But because Elisabeth is deaf it didn't bother her much, she could feel the vibration but that was about it.

Elisabeth: "Foolish vinyl friend and friend of flesh, jumping out of your skin over a mere train whistle! Your eardrums cripple you, I have no such weakness. bow before me, I am superior."

Molly: "You genuinely terrify me at times...."

I adore them <3

Okay! Now that I have that out of the way, I owe you an explanation... so basically, in the last few months my sister ended up in the hospital for 3 weeks. It was very scary and my family watched my little niece for that time (which was an ADVENTURE and a half lol!! She was a handful but understandable, she was in a different house without her parents and her brother.). I did two craft shows (first craft shows since before covid y'all can we get a heck yeah?!?) and my crochet business is actually taking off! How cool is that? I've been doing this for 5 years I'm so excited that it's starting to catch on, lots of hard work but I'm really grateful to be doing it :) I performed a solo in my recital this year as well! I worked every day at one point and actually ended up performing in the show injured. But I did it! It's been my dream since I was a little girl and I'm so thankful to have done it and for the opportunity! This was also an extremely hard recital for me, as I had to say goodbye to a lot of people I loved and grew up with, so afterwards I shut down for awhile (I'm okay now I promise!), so that's another reason why I left even when things started to calm down a bit, so sorry!! *-* Our internet also doesn't work very well all the sudden so I can only upload pictures to here at midnight, hooray -_- But now, for my favorite thing that's happened after that semi-depressing blob of text lol! XD I am now officially a ballet teacher! Literally my dream job y'all I'm so happy! I work at a beautiful dance school and have 4 classes, ages ranging from 6-15! My bosses and co-workers have been so beyond kind and welcoming to me, helping me and just being friends each and every step of the way, it wasn't my original plan, but I could not have ended up in a better place :) 

So yeah! That's what I've been up to lol! I'm so sorry again for disappearing and all the missed comments and stuff, I was just so overwhelmed by life and just couldn't keep up with it all. The Disney post is still in the works (It's all done costume wise but I need to make props now 'XD), life is just a bit complicated at the moment with so much change and working and my final Nutcracker at my old dance school, but I will do it at some point I promise! 'XD I have a Blogaverseary post and Vacation pics that I want to get up this month if all works out, though the last Blogaverseary post that I did was way more popular than I thought it'd be and I know I'll never be able to top it... sorry! Hope you'll like it anyway XD Then there's Villain Takeover month... I'm so sorry y'all I don't think I'm gonna be able to do much, I'm so upset it's literally my favorite :( I'm going to do at least two though! One will be on Halloween and I'll do more if I can! I've also had really weird luck with Goodwill lately and may or may not have some girlies I'd like to introduce you to... ;) Well, you guys know I can talk your ear off for hours, so I should probably stop here and let you go. Thanks for always sticking with me! I hope this post wasn't super boring for you and that I'll see you soon in the posts to come! I hope we can also share that lovely garlic bread of friendship now too :) I love you all and I hope you have an awesome day!

-Katie :)


  1. Ahhh, I've missed you! These photos are so cool. Congrats on getting Elizabeth!
    Woah, it sounds like you've had a lot going on lately. I'm sorry about all the craziness(like your sister getting hospitalized and people leaving and all), but I'm also happy for you about all the good stuff going on!

    ...do I hear DISNEY post?! Definitely excited for that. And Villain Takeover month(even one post is fine with me. I know you'll make it great, and I'd rather have one awesome post than a few that you rush) and EVERYTHING!!
    ...more dolls?

    *gifts you garlic bread*

  2. *Kneels down* Your garlic bread, m'lady.
    Elizabeth is so cute! She and Molly must have some interesting conversations... XD I'm so sorry to hear about your sister. I hope she's doing better. Sounds like life has been really crazy recently, but congrats on all the successes! It's so cool to hear where God is taking you. <3
    As always, can't wait for your next post!
    ~ Megan

  3. I'm glad you're back! Elizabeth is such a gorgeous doll <3 And she's a great addition to your doll family!
    I'm so sorry about your sister. I hope she's doing better now.
    But I'm so so so so excited that your a ballet teacher!!!! And that you're getting to live out your dreams <33 You should be so proud of yourself!!! Also the pictures (as usual) were amazing btw :)

  4. Nice photos ~ Elloraandsejalsworldofdolls


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