Welcome Page

 Hello friends! Welcome to All Doll'd Up (or ADU)! We're so excited to have you here, we hope you enjoy your time with our crazy doll family! This page is to help you understand a bit better what's going on around here and hopefully answer some questions you might have. If it doesn't though and you still have some questions, please feel free to ask me anything in the comments! I will do my best to answer them as quickly as I can. Love you lots and thanks for stopping by, hope to hear from you soon!! :D

The posting schedule around here is basically nonexistent if I'm being honest with you, LOL!! Unfortunately life for me is just a bit too unpredictable to hold a regular schedule down, so I post when I can. Sometimes posts are pretty far apart, but I'm still here I promise!! Unless there's a goodbye post (Which isn't happening, I love this blog lol) I will be back as soon as I can, so stay tuned! :)

There are two ways, count 'em, TWO ways to follow the chaos here at ADU!! You can subscribe through Blogger over at the top of the sidebar on the left side, then you'll be able to see my posts in your Blogger Readers List. Or you can subscribe through email by sending me an email letting me know you'd like to do so at alldolldupbykat[at]gmail[dot]com! (sorry about having to break up my email like that, I'm tired of getting scam emails from robots about ice coolers I didn't buy lol XD) Blogger dropped their email subscription thing a few years ago unfortunately, and I was scared to run everyone's emails through a new subscription bot just because that can be kinda sketchy, so I've handled the email subscriptions myself for a few years now. I will email you personally when I post with a link to the newest post, that way your email isn't being fed through a random subscription bot and hopefully keeps your email as safe as possible.

All comments are approved by me before going "live" on my blog. This is to keep everyone safe and to avoid scams, bullying, and all around keep All Doll'd Up a family friendly place for everyone. So please keep comments clean of cussing, using God's name in vain, and anything belittling or unkind towards anyone. I LOVE hearing from y'all and chatting through the comments, but sometimes life keeps me from answering as fast as I would like. So please be patient with me, and I thank you for every single comment. I read them all and they mean the absolute world <3


(I also won a Paisley Award for Photo Stories but I need to dig that out of my storage from when I moved and take a picture of it so please be patient with me it's under everything lol!! 'XD )

(From American Girl Doll Awesome)

(From Adventures of AG Dolls)


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