Allow Me to Introduce Myself..

Why hello there, young Jedi....
My name is Addykin, Addykin Skywalker.
Katie: Wait what?! No you're not!
Yes.... Yes I am.
Katie: No you're not.
Yes I am.
Katie: NO. YOU'RE. NOT.
Ok, ok sorry, I'm just messing with you guys. Let's try that again.....
Hi, I'm Addy Walker!
I'm so stoked to finally be meeting you all! I've been waiting soooo long!
Katie actually bought me and someone else (Yes someone else, you can guest who in the comments if you'd like) quite a while back with saved money and birthday money. But because of other projects and a couple we hadn't been introduced.
 But I'm here now and my sister I mentioned will be coming soon, so yay!
And now I shall bless you with a bit of a back round story....
I was a TLC doll found on eBay in pretty rough shape. It looked as though I had been sitting on a shelf for a REALLY long time. Dust was caked on my face so thick, it was ridiculous! And my hair was a giant matted thing on top of my head.

Oh great, that's wonderful... Thanks for taking pictures of me in my lowest point of life, Katie.
Wow, that was embarrassing.....
Now we're going to forget about that picture forever and I'll give you five random facts about me!
So get ready! Get set! Because here comes fact number one!
Fact #1. I'm a first addition Addy Walker doll by Pleasant Company. This means I was produced in the first year I was available, before books 4, 5, and 6 in my collection were available.
You can tell by the 148/16 on the back of my neck.
That also means I look quite different from Beforever Addy dolls, I have a much darker skin tone, my hair is more textured,
And I have these glorious gold eyelashes!
Fact #2. Due to my age, I actually have sliver eye in both of my eyes.
I can just hear you all gasping in utter terror right now. But please! Don't panic, don't call 911,
And don't even think about filling out an AG hospital sheet!
Because it's actually ok! I feel special being the only one in my family who has this, and it really isn't that noticeable.
Plus I might be slightly terrified about the idea of getting my head replaced.
Fact #3 I'm a total geek!
That's right, not a nerd a geek, totally different things.
And as a proud geek I love Star Wars! Hence my nickname, Addykin Skywalker!
Fact #4 Comic books are my jam!
Which is why my DC girls dress is my favorite outfit.
I like characters from both DC and Marvel, Spider-Man and Batman are my favorites :)
I like Spider-Man because he was just your average jo attending school when he was bitten by the spider, and he now has these crazy cool powers! It also shows that being a superhero isn't all fun and games as he tries to juggle school, homework, and a social life. But hey! He still makes the best of things!
And Batman shows us that even if you don't have superpowers, that doesn't mean you can't help people and make a difference!
Fact #5 I LOOOOOVVVE corny jokes! They are the bomb!
Do you want to hear one?
Who am I kidding? OF COURSE YOU DO!
What do you call it when a buffalo borrows money from the bank?
Well Thanks so much for sticking with me and my randomness! I'm so excited to be joining the ADU family and I'm so stoked that YOU are in it! Here's to hoping your day is as awesome as Star Wars!
May the force with you, always.
Addykin Skywalker
(AKA Addy :)
Hey everyone! Thanks SO much for reading! I hope you enjoyed meeting Addy, she's looked forward to it so very much <3 Sorry the lighting kept changing throughout the pictures, the clouds kept moving. So this is just a note letting you know that I'll be gone from this Sunday 'til next Sunday on vacation! Where we're going there might not be internet, so I won't be posting or commenting on your blogs for a while. So sorry guys, but I'll totally be reading and commenting on your posts when I get back! And I'll be taking lots of pictures while I'm on vacation too, I'll be bring Molly and Addy. I even made them outfits for the trip!
Which one do you like best? Molly's Minion short set? or Addy's 50's dress? I'd love to know! See you soon everyone! Have an amazing week!
-Katie :)


  1. OMG YOU GOT ADDY!!!!!! Congratulations, Katie! She is soooo cute!! sister.....let me come back to you on that:p
    Hi Addy! I love Star Wars too!
    Those outfits are so cute! Have fun on vacation!

    1. Thank you so much Madison!! I really love her :D LOL ok! XD

      Addy: Hi Madison! Thanks so much for commenting! Oh awesome! Isn't Star Wars just the best! Who's your favorite character?

      Thank you!
      -Katie :)

    2. Hi Addykin!XD My Favorites would have to be Princess Leia, BB-8, C3-P0, R2D2,Rey, and Han Solo.
      No problem Katie! It’s cool that she’s a pleasant company! Is your new doll Cecile? Or maybe Nellie? Kaya? Aaah! So many options!

    3. Addy: XD Nice! All those characters are AMAZING! My favorites are Rey and Han Solo :)

      Thanks! I really love the Pleasant Company dolls, they're such amazing quality :) Ooooooooo awesome guesses! I guess we'll just have to wait and see... Awe man I wish! But no, it's not Ivy, I'm still on the lookout for her :)
      - Katie :)

  2. Oh my gosh, this post made me grin so wide! Addykin! I LOVE it! XD (And I noticed the title was and Obi-Wan quote.😀) I must be a geek too because Addy and I have very similar interests. XD Oooh! I hope you have a fun vacation! I really like Addy's 50's dress. :) Great job, Katie!


    1. YAY!!! That literally makes me so happy! Thanks! I randomly called her that during the Star Wars day marathon and it just stuck :) (OH! I forgot about that quote until you mentioned it XD) Oh awesome! Yeah, I think I'd consider myself a geek as well. Thank you! I'm so excited for it! Thanks so much! That one is my favorite :)
      -Katie :)

      P.S. Hope you're feeling better!

    2. No problem. Oh cool! (Oh wow! It crazy that you actually called it that. So perfect. XD)

      Well, I still have this annoying lingering cough, but otherwise I'm pretty good. Thanks :)

    3. :) thanks! My brother and mom both call her that now XD (LOL yeah, it totally slipped my mind until your comment and I was just like "HOW DID I FORGET?!?" )

      Oh man don't you hate it when that happens? Well I hope the cough passes soon!
      -Katie :)

  3. Congrats on your new dolls! Addy is so pretty and I love the personality you gave her. As for your other doll, I have no idea who it might be, but I can't wait to meet her. Have fun on vacation!

    1. Thanks Rose! She's really such pretty doll, pictures just don't do her justice :) thanks! I had lots of fun with her personality and letting my geeky side be crazy XD I can give you a hint about the other one, she's a historical as well ;) Yay! I can't wait for you to meet her too! Thank you so much!
      -Katie :)

  4. Welcome, Addy!! *waves cheerfully* Haha, I love corny jokes too. XD Can't wait to see more of you on the blog!
    ~ Rebekah

    1. Thanks Rebekah! *cheerfully waves back* LOL aren't corny jokes the best? Katie's sister LOVES them! So she tells lots of really funny ones :) Do you want to hear one of her favorites? Do you know what's intense, camping, do you know what else is intense? The circus! (Get it? In tents? XD) thank you! I can't wait to appear more!
      -Addy :D

  5. Okay, I'm going to guess that it's either Rebecca or Felicity. I can't wait to see!

    1. Oh! Those are awesome guesses! We'll just have to wait and see... Yay! I can't wait to show her to you ! <3
      -Katie :)

  6. Melanie: *grabs lightsaber and challenges 'Addykin' to a duel*

    Me: Congrats on your new dolls, Katie! :) Addy is so pretty, and I can't wait to see who the other one is! Oh, and Addy, I love Star Wars too! Which movie is your favorite.

    1. Addy: OOOOOO YEAH!!! *grabs lightsaber* Let's do this, Melanie!

      Thanks so much Anna! I can't wait to show you the other doll!

      Addy: AWESOMENESS! Star Wars forever! Ooooooooo, it's so hard to choose just one of them! I'm going to go with Rise of the Jedi :) how about you?
      -Katie and Addy :)

  7. Congrats on a gorgeous new doll, Katie!
    ADDY!! Please come over to my house RIGHT NOW so we can fangirl and be geeky together!! By the way, Addykin is seriously the best nickname ever. :)

    1. Thank you so much!!

      Addy: Girl!! Let's do this right here, right now! I'm on my way let's geek it up! Let's fangirl!! And thanks so much ;D

      -Katie and Addy :)

  8. Mary: Cool!!! And I have noooo idea what doll it is.. I'll just have too wait and see!!! And When the next post comes, be sure too tell me!!!

    1. Thanks Mary! Yes! I will be revealing next week after I'm off from vacation :) (I have internet were I am right now so that's why I'm able to answer comments) oh totally! I'll be sure to tell you! <3 thanks for commenting!
      --Katie :)

  9. I love the color of Addy's dress for the trip! And WELCOME Addykin!

    Ooooooh! Another doll? IT'S CECILE! I think. She was the first who popped into my mind. Did I win? XDDD


    1. Thank you so much! I do too :)

      Addy: AHHHHHH!!! Thank you Just AG!

      Great guess! Hmmm, I'm not sure, I guess we'll see in the next post ;)
      -Katie :)


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