Haunted House - Lyric Photo Shoot

Epic job to Diamond and The Human for spotting the hidden Mickey in the last POST, it was located on the wand stand towards the end of the post! Great eye, guys! :D

*Be on the lookout for the hidden Mickey head in each post this month, and please enjoy!*


I just moved in my new house today

Movin' was hard but I got squared away

Bells started ringin' and chains rattled loud

"What the-?!"

"Welcome home new roommate!"


- Your Happy Haunts


I knew I'd moved in a haunted house

Still I made up in my mind to stay

Nothin' was a-gonna drive me away

When I seen somethin' that give me the creep

Had one big eye and a-two big feet

I stood right still and I did the freeze

He did the stroll right up to me

Made a noise with his feet that sound like a drum

"Say, you'll be here when the mornin' come?"

Say yes, I'll be here when the mornin' come

I'll be right here and I ain't gonna run

I bought this house now you know I am bold

Ain't no haint gonna-

Run me off?

"Okay then?"

In my kitchen my stove was a-blazin' hot

The coffee was a-boilin' in the pot

The grease had melted in my pan

I had a hunk of meat in my hand

"OH GEEZ!!!"

From outer space there sat a man

On a hot stove with the pots and pans

"Say that's hot!!" I began to shout

He drank a hot coffee right from the spout 

He ate the raw meat right from my hand

Drank a hot grease from the fryin' pan

He said to me "You better run"

"Don't be here when the mornin' come"

Say yes, I'll be here when the mornin' come

I'll be right here and I ain't gonna run

I bought this house now you know I am bol-

"This is how it's gonna be, huh? Like seriously, this is just how it's gonna work from now on?"

"Do you know what? Fine, sit down for breakfast. Hope everyone likes eggs and sausage."

"Give me that, go sit at the table, it will be done in a few minutes..."


Haunted House

- Jumpin' Gene Simmons

...... Okay, okay, I know this isn't Disney, and some of the posts this month won't be (There are only so many Disney Villain songs so I'm trying to space them out a bit to make them last 'XD), but it's literally been my favorite Halloween song since I was a small little green bean, I really wanted to do it! :D I was running a bit late on this post (Which is why the lighting is a bit weird, sorry about that) and when I was putting in the last few pictures I realized I totally forgot about the hidden Mickey *-* I was gone all day today but I retook some pictures when I got home so Mickey is here! Let me know in the comments if you find him! This song is from way back in the day, so I had to add quite a bit in between the lyrics to make sure it was long enough, hopefully that's not super annoying and the post is still enjoyable!! Also, y'all ever not really comprehend lyrics until you see them written out? Like I had no idea the amount of slang and kinda just that old style of talking that was involved in this song, literally had no clue I did not pay that close of attention when I belted this as a 6 year old XD I also didn't realize how terrifying that first monster was gonna end up being, I don't know what I was really expecting but I know it wasn't that XD Whelp! I'm off to work on this next post! The next one may have some familiar faces ;) Let me know any guesses you may have as to who is coming on our villainous adventure! Really hope y'all enjoyed, stay spooky everyone! Have an awesome day!

-Katie :)


  1. This is awesome, I love Halloween :)

    1. Thank you so very much!!! And same! It's my second favorite holiday, always have so much fun with it :D
      - Katie :)

  2. This is so cool! I've never heard of this song.
    AHIFHVIEFBVHKAJOLKDJOEK, you should do Grim Grinning Ghosts from Haunted Mansion! It'd probably be hard, but I mean, all of these are hard. I bet you could pull it off.
    Also the hidden Mickey was on the side of the fridge. :)

    1. Thanks so very much, Diamond! :D yeah it's a pretty old song, I think from the 50's or 60's. It's actually my favorite Halloween song!
      OH MY GOSH I LOVE THAT SONG AND THE HAUNTED MANSION HSGAUHRBWLAJEH!!!! I'll definitely have to keep that one in mind, it'd be spooky fun to recreate ;) and thank you so much! That means a lot! :)
      Yup yup!! Nice job! That would be where Mickey is! :D
      -Katie :)

    I saw a blue Mickey head on the first fridge picture

    1. THANK YOU SO SO MUCH, SADIE!!! I worked super hard on it so it really means so much!
      Bingo! Good spotting, you got it!
      -Katie :)

  4. Replies
    1. Lol yay!! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I tried really hard to make it fun and interesting even though it's a pretty short song :) thank you so much!!!
      -Katie :)

  5. Yes! This is amazing! I love the first monster. Kinda scary, but also cute! And the story of this song is funny (meaning both the lyrics of the song and the story parts you added in - it's cool when you do that)!
    I'm pretty sure there was a blue Mickey magnet on the fridge.

  6. Thank you so SO much!! I'm so glad you enjoyed! :D lol thank you!! It's not quite what I originally had in mind (well, I mean it is, it’s just a lot creeper in person than it was in my head XD), but I'm fairly happy with how it worked out! Though I did text a picture of it to my friend who immediately texted back "MIKE WAZOWSKI?!?" and now I can't unsee it XD thanks so very much!! I was a bit worried that I had gotten a bit carried away and that it started to get boring, so I'm really glad you hear you liked it! And yes ma'am! You've spotted correctly!! Well done! :D
    -Katie :)


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