We're Doing a Sequel - Lyric Photo Shoot


Molly - Red

Pleasant - Yellow

Roxanne - Dark Green

Julie - Light Blue

Emily - Blue

Maryellen - Purple

Kit - Green

Avery - Orange

Kirsten - Dark Purple

Black - Group or Anyone in Main Focus (Sorry y'all I ran out of colors XD)


"Thank you for 4 years!!!"

"Woo hoo!!"

"That was so much fun!!"


"What's the camera still doing here?"

"Oh no! That can only mean one thing!"

"Doggonit you're right! It looks like we're in another Blogaversary post!"

We're doing a sequel

We're back by popular demand

Come on everybody,

Strike up the band!

We're doing a sequel 

That's what we do in Hollywood!

And everybody knows 

The sequel's never 

Quite as good

A sequel

Another feature attraction

Places please,

Light the lights,

Roll camera,


I thought it was the end

But no my friends, this is when

We get to do it all again!

Do it all again!

Until the credits roll

We get another go to show them

We can do it all again!

*Thum thum thum tadum*

We're doing a sequel

There's no need to disguise

The internet considers us

A viable franchise!

We're doing a sequel

How hard can it be?

We can't do any worse 

Than the Godfather: 3

We're doing a sequel

the studio wants more

While they wait for Tom Hanks to make Toy Story 4!



"Goodness, this song is old!"

I thought it was the end

But no my friends, this is when we get to do it all again!

Do it all again!

Until the credits roll

We've got another go to show them

We can do it all again!

*Ba ba ba bumba*

We're doing a sequel

Let's give it a go

With Hollywood stars

And more one liner cameos

We're doing a sequel

I don't mean to be a stickler

But this is the 98th sequel to our original dolly feature

We're doing a sequel

Let's give it a shot!

All we need now 

Is a half decent plot!

"Got it!"

"A continuation of the Nutcracker, where Clara and Prince James return to the Land of Sweets."

"Only to find something terrible has happened, and now must race against the clock to restore the land's magic before time runs out."

"Nutcracker: The Falling Magic!"

"I'm all for doing a sequel to Nutcracker, Leonie, but maybe not as a sequel to our last Blogaversary post."

"Oh! Oh!!"

"How about a post walking down memory lane, commemorating our favorite moments,"

"and set to Rainbow Connection!"

"Ester did you even pay attention to our last Blogaversary post?"

"We should do a post about how much I LOVE all the different subs at Subway!"

"Not gonna lie, Sam, I'd 100% read a post like that, but maybe another time."

"It's a Jumanji Parody with us dolls,"

"Where you, Jasmine, Emily, Julie, and Carter get sucked into the game world, leaving you all with the only option of working together to beat the game. But in the end you all learn something valuable about each other and yourselves before you escape."

"Oh, and you and Carter also fall in love by the end and you have to kiss,"

"on the lips."


"Une histoire simple, celle d'une ballerine française venant en Amérique,"

"Et doit apprendre non seulement à connaître un nouveau pays, mais aussi à gérer la concurrence dans sa nouvelle famille."

"Brianne, I love you, but I literally have no idea what you're saying..."

"Ummm, how about we just... not do this today."

"Like, we can do it tomorrow,"

"So that I can go take a nap because I'm tired."

"Good grief...."

"It's a story based on the Haunted Mansion, where a pair of best friends are invited to the new kid's strange and eerie home, only to get tangled in an evil plot that will give too much power to the most dangerous ghost in the mansion."

"Now an unlikely team must save Stella,"

"That's me, mind you."

"From being sacrificed in this ghostly mansion when the clock strikes 13:00. Not just saving her, but themselves and the 999 happy haunts from a terrible reality that lies beyond this plan."

"That... sounds a little dark, Stella."


"Hey, Molly?"

"How about the dolls do another Muppets song?"


I thought it was the end

But no my friends, this is when 

we get to do it all again!

Until the credits roll 

We got another go to show them

We can do it all again!


"What are we even doing with the kitchen sink?"

We're doing a sequel!

It's more of the same

Let's give it a name!

How 'bout Blogaversary Again?

6 years since then

It's been 6 years since when

It's All Doll'd Up's

*Tap tap tap tap*


*Tap tap tap tap*




We're doing a Sequel

- The Muppet Cast

(Muppets Most Wanted)

6 YEARS?!?! HOLY MEATBALL MARINARA THAT'S INSANE!!! Also we aren't gonna talk about how I missed a Blogaversary post last year we aren't even going to mention it you didn't see anything- ANYWHO! I've had this song in mind for awhile for a Blogaversary post, I've been scared to try following up Rainbow Connection because I knew I'd never be able to top that one lol! But the joke about sequels never being as good as the original made me feel better so I went for it XD Fun fact btw, the post suggestions by the dolls are actually in reference to posts I had always planned but never got around to making or just scrapped altogether (except the Jumanji one, that was going to be a stop motion). And the 98th sequel to the original post part is actually accurate (in 6 years I couldn't get to 100 posts wow me... XD)! So those bits of the post made me happy so just wanted to point them out, lol! Anyway, 6 years... that's so crazy for me to think about, just thinking about all that has happened in those 6 years, both good and bad. Life has definitely been an adventure, and though it wasn't always easy, I wouldn't have changed a thing. I'm so grateful to have lived the life God has given me, for each lesson I've learned (sometimes the rough way but still lessons learned, I consider this an absolute win lol XD), and all the people I've met. I wouldn't have changed a thing, and throughout it all, this blog has been such a beautiful part of my life. Posting on here and talking with y'all (even though I'm late replying to comments more often than I'd like to admit oof! Sorry about that I promise I'm trying 'XD) has been such a huge blessing. Thank you all for your time over the last 6 years, thank you for letting me be a small part of your journey on this little planet we call earth. What an incredible thing it is to me that God was like "Yeah, their paths will cross through a little corner of the blogging community". I have met some of the most epic people through this blog and made the most amazing friends. Some friends have gone on new paths and separate adventures once their blogging journey was through, but some I've had the blessing and absolute pleasure of staying in contact with, and it brings me so much joy to see how far all my blogger friends have come in 6 years too. We live nowhere near each other, yet we kinda grew up together in a way. 

Now, I told y'all I had some news for you in the last post, and I really wanted to wait to tell you until our Blogaversary. I am actually moving! Yes indeed, I am that old *cries but in old person font* XD A new adventure is getting ready to start for me, literally in a couple days lol!! So.... what does this mean for All Doll'd Up? Is this the end? Am I now too old and have outgrown the dolls and my little place on the internet? Well, the short and long answer is, NO! Lol I literally bought an AG doll at Goodwill a few days ago I'm far from done XD But that still doesn't quite answer the question of what happens now. So basically, when I move into my own place, I'm setting up my doll house again (PHOTO STORIES ARE COMING BACK FAM LET'S GOOOOOO!!!) and I'm hoping to post once or twice a month depending on my work schedule and stuff, but! That won't be for a few months. While I wait for my place to become available, I'll be living with my friend's family who have very kindly opened their home to me. So while I'm bringing Molly and two dolls you don't know (I'm so behind on the Meet the Dolls page goodness gracious...), all my doll stuff  and the rest of my dolls will be back at my family's house until I go into my own place. FEAR NOT THOUGH, MY FRIENDS! It took every fiber of my being, but I got this post AND a post done for Halloween (Villain Takeover may be one post this year but I'm pretty proud of this one ;) ) done before I skit-skat on out of here. I'll do what I can after but no promises, all this change is going to be a huge adjustment for me but I'll do my best. What I can promise though is that I'm not going ANYWHERE, even if it's a bit before you see me again, always know that I will come back, and I'd never EVER leave without saying goodbye. Thank you for your patience with my posts over the years, and I hope y'all will stick around for what's ahead :)

Thank you for 6 incredible, beautiful, wonderful years of All Doll'd Up, I'm forever grateful for you and the memories we've made, and I hope we'll get to make even more in the years ahead. You are insanely epic people and I hope you never forget it, always choose to stand out rather than fit in, you're too cool to try to be like everyone else :) I love you all, God bless  <3 



99 posts

A whole lot of dolls

and one very grateful blogger

I hope you have an awesome day!

-Katie :)


  1. This is such a cool post! I was really excited when I saw you'd posted again, your posts are always really cool, I'm glad you're not going anywhere! I don't know this song, but I love how you've done it, and that you added blog things in (99 posts is still a lot!)! Also, the matching dresses, iconic. 6 years is a long time, congrats!
    Good luck with the move!
    ~ FlamyFox13

  2. *squeals in excitement because I've finally gotten around to reading this post*

    Firstly, congrats on 6 years! That's AMAZING! I think you chose the perfect way to celebrate and honestly, this is just such a great post. I love all the dolls' outfits and the way they made that comment about Toy Story 5? 😂 That was amazing. And all the plot suggestions were amazing too.
    99 posts? That's incredible!

    I wish you the absolute best with your move and I'm so excited that you still plan on making posts in your new place! That's honestly so encouraging to me because I've wondered a lot about what will happen to my blog if I ever move, but I'm sure that will just be a situation I'll have to navigate when I get there.

    I wish you (and all your dolls) the very best, and I can't wait for your next post! (you know that the Villains takeover posts you do are some of my favorites!!)


  3. Ahh, I love this! I read it when you first posted it, and I'm reading it again now so that I can actually comment, and it's just awesome! Love the matching outfits and the way you made the song your own and, yep, gotta love the kitchen sink! (Is that Janet with the sink, or have I got your dolls mixed up?)
    Good luck with your move, hopefully all goes smoothly, and congratulations on 6 years! That's a long time and I'm super glad you're still at it! (dare I admit that you're one of my absolute favourite bloggers? XD)


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