7 Year Blogiversary Giveaway! *TIME EXTENSION - PLEASE READ*

Molly - Red
Maryellen - Light Purple
Avery - Orange
Kirsten - Dark Purple
Emily - Blue
Kit - Green

Hey y'all! So, due to not many people entering the giveaway or actually seeing this post in general, I have decided to extend the time to enter until October 31st, with the winner announcement on November 1st to give everyone the best chance at seeing this and being able to enter if they choose to do so! I hope that's okay and that y'all understand. Love you lots and I shall see you for Villain Takeover Month :)

"Well, well, well... another year, another Blogiversary."

"And where has it all led you?"

"Back to me..."

"And Peepachu."

“Okay, Molly. I think we’re all good on the villain monologue.”

“Plus the last thing we need to do is give Peepachu ideas of world domination.”

“Aw man, but villain monologues are so fun!”

“And Peepachu isn’t interested in conquering the world, are you, buddy?”

“That reply doesn’t really do much to assure me that that’s not the case…”

“Don’t worry! We all know what happened in Ghostbusters, the marshmallow creatures will never win!”

"He's bluffing, don't worry too much about it."

“I’m honestly a little scared of-”

“Hello everyone!"

"And welcome you all to ADU’s 7 year Blogiversary celebration!”


“7 years?! That’s literally insane!"

"I can’t believe you could stand seeing Molly’s face for that long!”


“Wait a second…”

“Kit, as your sister I feel the obligation to remind you,"

"that Molly is wielding Peepachu.”


“I take back my previous comment.”

“Anyway, we are so excited to be celebrating another year of dollie fun with y'all!"

"And what better way to celebrate than with a giveaway?!"

"Hosted by yours truly, Molly!"

"And Emily,"



"Kit, THE Kit!"

"And me, Kirsten!"

"Before we get started, we just wanted to take a second to thank you all for an AMAZING 7 years of ADU!"

“Yes, this blog has been and continues to be such an amazing part of our lives because you all are a part of it. We couldn’t be more grateful and we're so happy that you've gotten to experience so many adventures along with us throughout the years.”

"Exactly, this adventure wouldn't have been nearly as fun without you, you are the bee's knees, the real MVP, a supreme deluxe pizza!"

"So! Our giveaway this year is the biggest we've done yet, as we'll be giving away 3 prize packages!"

"That's right! 3 prizes for 3 winners!"

"Our first winner will be receiving...."

"A super cool Christmas dress made by Katie's mom, which includes a pair of pantalettes and a bonnet..."
"Oh! I have that one too! I can match with whoever wins!"

"A Mini Kirsten doll..."
"Hey! That's me!"

"Luciana's first book and Kirsten's short story book, Kirsten and the Chippewa..."

"And last but not least, a Doll STEM activity set!!"
"Oh man! Luci and Parker would be so jealous!!"

"It includes over 50 crafts for you to make,"

"And inside it has a book with all the cool crafts your STEM doll could ever need,"

"Plus a bunch of supplies to make them with!"
"Just a heads up that the package is a little damaged, but from what we could tell everything is still there :)"

"Here's everything together!"

"Next up, Prize number two will come with..."

"A very snazzy Mini Kaya doll! Look how cute she is!! :D"

"Tenney's first and second book...."
"Katie's read both of those, she said she really enjoyed them!"

"And Marie-Grace's meet dress!! Which is so pretty, Brianne really likes wearing the one we have!"
"Here's everything together for the second prize package :)"

"And last but not least, our third prize includes..."

"A Mini Kaya..."
"The minis have been waiting so long for a chance to find their perfect homes, I'm so glad they are finally getting the chance :)"

"A Beforever Julie: The Big Break book and a Bravo, Mia book..."

"And Marie-Grace's meet dress! Here it is all together!"

"Well, that's everything! We'll leave all the details and rules up to Katie to explain."

"Yup! Because rules are boring and there's a delicious chocolate cake that I need to go destroy. Good luck, everyone!! We hope you have fun and we'll see you again soon!" 

"Bye everyone!!"

"Don't listen to him, he's just jealous that he can't enter."


Hellllooooo my friends!!! I’m so excited to finally be bringing you this giveaway!! I’ve been gathering stuff for it for MONTHS now so I really hope you like it and consider entering!! Here are the details that the dolls left to me to explain…

To review, this giveaway will have 3 winners, first prize includes: 1 homemade Christmas dress with pantalettes and bonnet, 1 Mini Kirsten doll, 1 Doll STEM Activity Kit, 1 Luciana book, and 1 Kirsten and the Chippewa Short Story book.

The second prize includes: 1 American Girl Marie-Grace meet dress, 1 Mini Kaya doll, and Tenney books 1 and 2.

And third prize includes: 1 American Girl Marie-Grace meet dress, 1 Mini Kaya doll, 1 Beforever Julie: The Big Break book, and 1 Bravo, Mia book.

*PLEASE NOTE MOST ITEMS ARE GENTLY USED* I did my best to find stuff that was in really good condition and as close to new as possible, but I still wanted to make sure you knew before entering :) 


You have from now until midnight on October 31st to enter this giveaway! To enter, simply comment down below that you’d like to enter and let me know that you are a follower of this blog and how you’re following (If you’d like more info on how to follow ADU, you can find it on THIS PAGE), and, if you’re under 18, that you have a parent/guardian’s permission as I’ll need your address to send your stuff to you (I’ll have you email me if you win to claim your prize and to get that info). I can only offer this giveaway to my followers in the USA and Canada, I’m so sorry!! Shipping to other countries gets complicated and expensive :( 

PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU CANNOT WIN MORE THAN ONE PRIZE PACKAGE!!! If you win the first prize, your entries will be excluded from the draw of the second and third prizes, and the same if you win the second. 

The winners will be drawn at random, and ways to receive extra entries include…

-Following ADU through both Email and Blogger Reader.

- Sharing this giveaway on your blog (you’ll get an extra entry for that and if they let me know they heard about the giveaway from you/your post then you’ll get an extra entry for that as well).

-Let me know in the comments what your favorite post on this blog is!

Once again the last day to enter will be October 31st, and the winners will be announced November 1st!! If I can’t get a hold of you within three days of the winner announcements then your prize will be given to whoever wins in a redraw. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask! I’ll get back to you as fast as I can! I wish you all the best of luck! And I once again thank you for being a part of this adventure with me and the dolls, you guys are the absolute BEST and I’m so grateful to call you all my friends :) God bless, my friends! I hope you all have an awesome day!! 

-Katie :)


  1. This is so fun! I don't think I'll be able to enter the giveaway since I'm a minor, but good luck to everyone who does enter!
    Also I love your dolls' personalities so much. They're so vivid and this your posts are always so entertaining to read.

    1. Thank you so very much!! And you can definitely still enter as long as you have a parent's permission! (If you can't though it's 100% all good!! I just wanted to make sure you knew that it's open to you as well :) )
      Thank you so much!! That seriously means a lot, I really try to make the posts fun and interesting no matter what the subject is, so I'm really glad that you enjoy them :D
      Thanks again, E!!
      -Katie :)

  2. Congrats on seven years of blogging, that's quite a lot of time! I was just looking back through your posts to find a favourite and realizing, I recognize a lot of them, have I been around and blogging myself for longer than I thought??
    I would like to enter the giveaway! I think I'm following through both email and blogger. I think right now I'll say that my favourite post is What's My Name?, but honestly, all of your posts are so cool! The effort that goes into them, all the costumes and set-ups! I'm always happy to see a new post from you, even if I don't always get around to commenting on them (still need to working on that...)!

    1. Thank you so much, FlamyFox!! 7 years doesn't even feel possible if I'm being honest, the time has gone by so fast 'XD and I actually remember around the time you first started following me! Thanks so much for sticking around throughout the years, it really means the world to me :)
      Perfect okay!! Thanks so much for entering!! You are the only person who has thus far and I was getting pretty sad about no one entering so it really means a lot <3 And oh my goodness thank you so much!! That was such a fun post to do and I always get excited when I can use Addy as a star character lol (Addy may or may not be one of my favorites, don't tell the others ;) ). That's totally okay!!! I'm really bad at keeping up with commenting on my blog and other people's blogs so I 100% get it XD Thanks so much again for entering and your kind words!! You have 3 entries and I put an extension on the entry time so the winners will now be announced on November 1st :)
      -Katie :)

  3. Yay!! 7 years is quite the commitment, many congratulations! I know a lot of blogs have become inactive in the years since I started blogging (almost 6 years ago, same for FlamyFox above too) and I'm really glad you've stuck around :)
    I'd love to enter your giveaway! Your prizes look super exciting (I've actually been wanting a mini doll, plus books!!)! I checked, and apparently I was not following your blog through blogger, so I am now.
    (I should not be commenting on this right now, I should either be sewing or doing school work, so that's all I'll say for now, but I'll be back later to do a deep dive and determine my favourite post!)

    1. Thank you so much, ForestPoodle!! That really means the world, I think most of the bloggers that were around when I started blogging have moved on to different things at this point, which makes me sad but I'm really happy to still be here and I genuinely love blogging just as much as I did when I first started. And it makes me really happy that you still enjoy my blog as well :) Thanks so much for being here for so many years!! Your comments are always so sweet and encouraging and I always love seeing your posts <3
      YAY!! Thanks so much for entering!! I really appreciate it :D (and that's awesome, mini dolls are honestly so fun!! All the ones in this giveaway are the cloth body ones as well which I think are especially cool :) ) And lol perfect okay!! Sounds good to me!! Thanks so much again for entering!! It means a lot and I hope sewing or school work goes well and is super fun (or as fun as school work can be, at least lol!)! :D
      -Katie :)

    2. I have returned!
      Me too :) I wish I had more time for blogging, but it's still such a fun and happy thing to do! I love how it's just an escape into a very kind miniature world.
      The How to Dutch Braid post is still one of my favourites, I love how you managed to make that tutorial so entertaining!! (And I do remember actually dutch-braiding Sophie's hair after that post)
      (Despite what I said, I did neither school work nor sewing, but actually played my guitar lol)

    3. Yay!! Welcome back, lol!! XD
      Oh my goodness same, it makes me so sad that I can't do more over here but I enjoy creating the posts I do have time for so very much. I love the creativity that goes into blogging and creating this little world and all the characters, doll blogging really is something so special :)
      Oh my gosh that's awesome!! I'm so glad you enjoyed that one!! I enjoy doing hairstyles but I get bored just writing instructions so I can get a bit carried away 'XD (And that makes me so happy that you tried it as well!! I hope the directions were okay, like I said I can get a bit carried away so I hope it didn't make anything unclear when actually trying to follow it 'XD). You have 3 entries in the giveaway!! Thanks so much and best of luck!!! :D
      (LOL!! Fair enough, I hope it went well and that you had lots of fun! Guitars a really cool :D)
      -Katie :)

  4. Congrats on 7 years of blogging! That's quite a long time, and you've done amazing!
    That giveaway looks wonderful too...I definitely don't need any AG stuff (seeing as I've been trying to sell some of the stuff I've had...but not the dolls though!), but I think the winners will be very lucky!

    1. Thanks so much, Beth!! I really appreciate it, I wish time would allow me to do more on this blog than I currently do, but I genuinely love this blog so much and I'm really grateful for the last 7 years :)
      Lol no worries!! I totally feel that, I really need to go through my AG stuff as well, I just have such a hard time with that because I'm literally always like "What if I could use this for a post though?" XD Thank you so much!! I know it's not much, but I really did try so it means a lot lol!! <3 And thank you so SO much for sticking around here for so many years!! It means the world and I'm so grateful for you and our friendship :)
      -Katie :)


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