Be Prepared - Disney Lyric Photo Shoot

Scar - Purple

Shenzi - Blue

Banzai - Red

Hyenas - Black

*Be on the lookout for the hidden Mickey head in each post this month, and please enjoy!*


"... and you couldn't even dispose of them."

"Well you know, it wasn't exactly like they was alone, Scar."

"Yeah, what were we supposed to do?"

"Kill Mufasa?"


I know that your powers of retention

Are as wet 

As a warthog's backside

But as thick as you are

Pay attention!

My words are a matter of pride

It's clear from your vacant expressions

The lights are not all on upstairs

But we're talking kings and successions!

Even you can't be caught unawares!


So prepare for a chance of a lifetime

Be prepared for sensational news

A shining new era

Is tiptoeing nearer

And where do we feature?

Just listen to teacher

I know it sounds sordid

But you'll be rewarded

When at last I am given my dues

And injustice deliciously squared!

Be prepared!

"Be Prepared! Yeah we'll be prepared!"

"Uh..... "

"For what?"

"For the death of the king."

"Why? Is he sick?"

"No fool, we're going to kill him,"

"And Simba too..."

"Great idea! Who needs a king?"

"No king, no king, la la la la la!"

"Idiots!!! There will be a king!"

"Oh, but you just said-"


"Stick with me, and you'll never go hungry again!"



"Long live the king, long live the king, LONG LIVE THE KING!!"


It's great that we'll soon be connected 

With a king who'll be all-time adored

Of course, quid pro quo, you're expected

To take certain duties on board

The future is littered with prizes

And though I'm the main addressee

The point that I must emphasize is....


So prepare for the coup of the century

Be prepared for the murkiest scam

La la la!

Meticulous planning

Tenacity spanning

Decades of denial

Is simply why I'll

Be king! Undisputed!

Respected! Saluted!

And seen for the wonder I am!

Yes, my teeth and ambitions are bared

Be prepared!

Yes, our teeth and ambitions are bared!



Be Prepared

- Jeremy Irons, Whoopi Goldberg, Cheech Marin, and Jim Cummings

(The Lion King)

HEEEELLLLLOOOOO FRIENDS!!! IT'S OCTOBER!! VILLAIN TAKEOVER IS BACK LET'S GOOOOO!!!! *Confetti cannon that I still don't know how to use* Oh my goodness y'all the last few weeks have been INSANE! XD The show I was dancing in was last week and went really well! (thank you all so much for your nice comments cheering me on as I return to dance btw, it's been a rough journey so it means the world <3), and then it was a mad dash to get costumes finished and pictures taken for this post before I traveled with my family for my dad to have surgery. It was a CLOSE shave I cannot believe I got the pictures taken before the sun went down. I (with my mom's help on the last bit of sewing) literally got the costumes finished on the last day possible. And yes, I did misremember the number of hyenas and made 4 costumes instead of 3, I have no idea where my brain went but they were all already sewn by the time I realized so... yolo XD I also accidently chose the worst location to take these pictures in?? I don't know what I was thinking because I had this poisonous plant behind me...

I don't know if y'all have these where you live, but the tips are poisonous and if you get poked by one it hurts REALLY bad for a week or two, so bad thing number one about this spot.


Lol they weren't actually that insanely huge, and I'm not someone who's generally too scared of spiders, but these were big enough and strange enough looking that I was feeling fairly uncomfortable. Plus, I just didn't want them getting on my dolls, they don't want to be Spider-Man either (except Molly, she'd probably be down for getting super spider powers. Spider-Molly...) 'XD 

 Anyway though, LOL!! I made it out alive without being eaten by spiders or anything, so that was nice XD I've been looking forward to this post for years and I'm so glad I finally got around to doing it! I love this song and have had the lyrics laid out in my blog drafts for around 3 years but I kept running out of time to actually do it 'XD Another bonus to doing this post is getting to use Addy as the main character, which I always get super hyped about because she's literally so beautiful I love her so much!!! If you are interested in Addy but aren't sure I HIGHLY recommend her! I feel like she's so incredibly underrated and that's such a bummer because I really do think she's awesome. 

Also! I know I'm ranting (as per usual, LOL!) but it's a Disney post and I have too many Disney fun facts so I have to share this one, did you know Jeremy Irons (the voice actor of Scar) actually couldn't finish recording this song? Partway through the recording process of this song he actually ended up hurting his throat and couldn't continue. So the parts that were left were recorded by Jim Cummings, who voiced Ed the Hyena in The Lion King, and was also the voice actor for Winnie the Pooh and Tigger and many other Disney characters. He sang from "So prepare for the coup of the century" onwards. Kinda wild, right? Anyway, thanks for dealing with my fun fact, sorry I can't be normal about Disney I have to learn really random things about it and randomly share them, it's a canon event XD Well... I guess I should probably head out, I'm currently sitting in a hotel room and it's getting pretty late. I have so many more fun posts planned for this month that I'm SUPER excited about, so I hope y'all are prepared ;) Let me know down in the comments if you found the Hidden Mickey and who your favorite Disney villain is!! Love you all and I hope you have an amazing day!!

-Katie :) 

P.S. All Doll'd Up is currently hosting a giveaway for our 7 year blogivesary and I'm going to be very annoying and bring it up in all the posts this month LOL! XD If you're interested it would mean the world if you checked it out by clicking HERE :)


    *ahem* this photoshoot is quite fantastic. I always admire the work you put into the Villain Takeover posts and this one is no different. Those costumes are incredible! Addy is certainly a beautiful doll.
    I did find the hidden mickey! I always love that you include that element to these posts. And congrats on surviving these taking these photos! I think the poisonous plant would make me give up, but the spiders? Nahh, I'm outta there!
    Congrats on returning to dancing! I'm so happy for you. Also, I hope your dad's surgery goes/went well.
    And okay...if you didn't share that Disney fun fact I was going to and I think you said it better than I could have. So thanks! (I love having someone to geek out over Disney with)

      Thank you so much!! That really means a lot. This one was a TON of editing and I wasn't quite sure how I felt about it at first, so I'm glad you enjoyed it :) The costumes were really fun to figure out for this one since all the characters are animals, it was fun finding a balance between staying true to the characters and making sure they read as animals and just kinda having fun with little elements like the black fur shawl instead of a mane. Funny enough, I think that fur Addy is wearing I've literally only ever used on her (The other time she wore it was for Almost There. I love the piece, I just never use it except on Addy apparently) XD and yessss I 100% agree, she really is stunning :D
      YAY!! Awesome job!! :D I completely forgot about the Mickey head once I started taking pictures and I absolutely PANICKED when I realized XD I'm so glad that I still had pictures where you could see it because the sun was literally setting by the time I finished and we left the next day, I would have had no time to fix it. And thank you!! I always thought that was such a neat element in Disney films and in the parks, it can be a bit tricky to incorporate them in a way that looks natural sometimes, but it's also really fun trying to come up with ways to hide them :) Lol thank you!! I was fairly tense the whole time because of it, the plant was literally right behind me 'XD Thankfully the spiders I'm pretty sure were baby Wolf Spiders, which definitely aren't my favorite but we have Brown Recluse and Black Widow spiders around here sometimes so it could have been worse. Still not the life I'm here for though I almost quit 'XD
      Thank you so much!! It has been a bit rough symptom-wise and learning to accept new limitations and such, but I'm so glad to be dancing again. I even got to wear my new costume I got last vacation :) Thank you so much, the surgery went really well!! And LOL!!! I love that you know that one too, I'm such a Disney nerd but not many people are super into my fun facts or think they're actually that interesting so that makes me happy that we can geek out about Disney together :D
      -Katie :)

  2. Oh, this is a good song!! And you've done it really well! I love the costumes, especially Jenna's bitten ears. I'm thinking that some of the hyena spots look like Mickey heads, but I could be wrong.
    That's a really cool fun fact! I had no clue that two different people sung the song!

    1. Thank you so much!! That really means a lot, I've been wanting to do this one for a long time, so I'm really happy that I finally got the chance because I usually run out of time each year before I can get to it lol!! Thank you!! I had a lot of fun with the ears, the hyena ears came out a little too big but they're silly so I just left it XD and yes you got it!! nicely done, I forgot to put a credit in the newest post for everyone who got the Mickey head in this one, but I'll add it as soon as I can.
      Isn't that wild?! I never would have guessed if I hadn't read about it, Jim Cummings did a really good impression of Scar! Another fun fact, is that the lion roars were created by having Frank Welker growl into a trash can XD
      -Katie :)


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